45 year old male with Hyponatremia

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

Chief complaints:

Presented to the casualty with the complaints of sweating and altered sensorium.



The patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 years ago. He was then diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus and is on OHAs for the past 10 years. He used to work in the Steel factory 6 years ago.

6 years ago, following unnoticed trauma he developed an ulceration on his left foot and little toe which became infected and had to be amputated. He was then also started on Insulin. 8 months ago, his 4th toe of his left foot was amputated for similar reasons. The procedure required blood transfusion.

4 months ago, the patient had an ulcer on the foot following injury of the foot which was not noticed by the patient and had to be treated with debridement and split skin grafting. 

1 month ago, the patient had an episode of seizure and was diagnosed to have hyponatremia. While being brought to the hospital he suffered a burn to the right foot due to the bike silencer.

3 days ago the patient skipped meals from the morning following which he then developed sweating, cooling of peripheries and altered sensorium in the afternoon. His GRBS was 55mg/dl on admission and was diagnosed with Hypoglycemia.

1 day ago the patient underwent fasciotomy and debridement for compartment syndrome following cellulitis of the left lower limb. The patient is scheduled for below the knee left leg amputation.

Daily routine : 

The patient used to work in a Steel factory 6 years ago where he worked for 25 years. Following his foot problem he stopped working and was mostly confined to his home and surroundings. The patient’s appetite has also decreased in the past few years. His diet mainly consists of Roti and Ragi java. He is sometimes inconsistent with his meals and his current presentation of hypoglycaemia is due to skipping his meal after taking insulin. 


Past History

No h/o HTN, TB, CAD, Asthma

H/o hypothyroidism diagnosed 6 months ago on regular check up and is currently on Thyronorm 25ug 

H/o debridement of his diabetic foot ulcer with split skin grafting due to which the patient spent last 4 months mostly in the hospital. 


Personal History

Diet: mixed

Appetite: normal

Sleep: adequate

Bowel and bladder: regular 

Habits: none


Family history

Not significant


General Examination

The pt is drowsy on examination

Well oriented to time, place and person

Moderately built and moderately nourished

Pallor – Present

Icterus - absent

Cyanosis - absent

Clubbing – absent

Lymphadenopathy - absent

Edema – Mild pitting edema present on R lower limb

Temperature – Afebrile

HR – 70bpm

RR – 18 cpm

SpO2 – 97%

Systemic Examination


 Conscious, oriented to time place and person.

Patient is drowsy but arousable

 Speech: normal

 Behavior: normal 

Memory: Intact.

 Intelligence : Normal

 Lobar Functions : Normal.

 No hallucinations or delusions.


Cranial Nerve Examination: All cranial nerves are functionally normal

Motor Examination:                     Right                                           Left


                                           UL                            LL                      UL                    LL


   BULK                         Normal                    Normal                 Normal          Cannot be examined


   TONE                          Normal                Normal            Normal      Cannot be examined


   POWER                       4/5                          4/5                         4/5                 Cannot be examined



   BICEPS                        1                                1                       

   TRICEPS                      1                                1                       

   SUPINATOR                1                               1                         

   KNEE                           1                               Not examined                         

   ANKLE                         1                               Not 

Sensory examination - Normal

Cerebellar examination - Finger nose coordination is normal

Signs of meningeal irritation are absent

Gait cannot be examined



Rate is normal

Rhythm is regular

S1, S2 heard, No murmurs



Upper respiratory tract - oral cavity, nose & oropharynx appears normal.

Chest appears Bilaterally symmetrical & elliptical in shape

Respiratory movements appear equal on both sides and it's Abdominothoracic type.

Trachea central in position & Nipples are in 4th Intercoastal space

No signs of volume loss

No dilated veins, scars, sinuses, visible pulsations.



All inspiratory findings confirmed. Trachea central in position.

Apical impulse in left 5th ICS, 1cm medial to mid clavicular line


                                      Right                     Left


Supraclavicular-         (NVBS)                (NVBS)

Infraclavicular-          (NVBS)                 (NVBS)

Mammary-                 (NVBS)                 (NVBS)

Axillary-                      (NVBS)                 (NVBS)

Infra axillary-              (NVBS)                  Crepitations

Suprascapular-          (NVBS)                (NVBS)

Interscapular-            (NVBS)                (NVBS)

Infrascapular-            (NVBS)                 Crepitations


Scaphoid in shape, soft, non-tender, bowel sounds heard, no hepatosplenomegaly


Shape - Scaphoid, with no distention.

Umbilicus  - Inverted

Equal symmetrical movements in all the quadrants with respiration.

No visible pulsation, peristalsis, dilated veins and localized swellings


No hepatomegaly 

No splenomegaly


Bowel sounds present.

No bruit or venous hum.



INR = 1.2
BT = 2 min 
CT = 4 min 30 sec 

CUE - Urine albumin +

Differential Diagnosis 

Hyponatremia under evaluation 
Left lower limb cellulitis 


IV fluids - NS at 500ml/day
IV 3% NaCl at 10ml/hr
Inj. Piptaz IV BD
Inj Metrogyl 500mg IV TID
Inj. Optineuron in 100ml NS
Inj Pantop 40mg OD
Inj Hai s/c according to GRBS
Tab. Thyronorm 25ug PO OD
Inj. Lasix 10mg IV OD


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